Hello this is kind of my blog. . . I have switched to a private blog. You can find it here. Like I said, it is private, so if you can not access it, please leave a comment with your email address and I will gladly send you an invitation.
This blog exists so that you can still get updates on reading lists and stuff, and have a simple way of seeing that I have posted something. Yeah!
Hey I just sent you an email with instructions... but it looks like you are a such a clever girl and figured it out without my help. :) I better already be on your list to get an invite. hehe
ReplyDeleteAdd me Please! kbahr19@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteCan I be invited to view?
Please add me too! thedooms22@gmail.com I love to see what your family is up too! Suzy
ReplyDeleteI want in! rebeccahrobison at gmail dot com.